Books of the Week: 12/11/19

1. Immortal Hulk #28 (Marvel) ★★★★★

Writer: Al Ewing / Art: Tom Reilly & Matias Begara / Colors: Chris O’Halloran / Cover: Alex Ross

‘The New World’

Just when you think this title is going off the rails, Ewing pulls out a brilliant book like this one. Wonderfully dark and cynical. The art complements the writing beautifully. Wow.

2. Fantastic Four #17 (Marvel) ★★★★★

‘Point of Origin – Part 4: Secret Agenda’

Writer: Dan Slott / Art: Luciano Vecchio, Carlos Magno, Bob Quinn & Sean Izaakse / Colors: Ericl Arciniega / Cover: Nick Bradshaw & John Rauch

Great storytelling combined with some solid action make this book shine. The dialog pops and Slott manages to cram a ton of story into a single issue. Outstanding.

3. Annihilation: Scourge – Beta Ray Bill #1 (Marvel) ★★★★★

Writer: Michael Moreci / Art: Alberto Alburquerque / Colors: Jay David Ramos / Cover: Josemaria Casanovas

Another outstanding installment in the Annihilation EVENT! Beta Ray Bill & Lockjaw make for a great pair. The book features an excellent battle sequence with a truly surprising ending. Most surprising of all, I actually enjoyed Al Alburquerque’s art. It looked great.

4. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #14 (Marvel) ★★★★★

‘A Night Off’ (Final Issue)

Writer: Tom Taylor / Art: Marguerite Sauvage & Ken Lashley / Colors: Mauguerite Sauvage & Rachelle Rosenberg / Cover: Andrew C. Robinson

Beautiful send-off for this up and down Spidey title. This issue took a a simple story and packed it with tons of feels. Very nicely done.

5. Superman #18 (DC) ★★★★★


Writer: Brian Michael Bendis / Art: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado / Colors: Alex Sinclair

A surprisingly moving issue, considering the plot was well known going into the book. The art fit the story perfectly, showing the effect on Superman’s friends and the people of Metropolis. I’m looking forward to seeing how this changes things going forward.

6. Something Is Killing the Children #3 (Boom!) ★★★★★

‘The Angel of Archer’s Peak – Part 4’

Writer: James Tynion IV / Art: Werther Dell’edera / Colors: Miquel Muerto / Cover: Werther Dell’edera & Giovanna Niro

Very intense story telling as we finally get a look at what’s been doing the killing (maybe?). The chainsaw sequence adds some timely levity. The art remains stunning.

7. Annihilation: Scourge – Silver Surfer #1 (Marvel) ★★★★★

Writer: Dan Abnett / Art: Paul Davidson / Colors: Matt Milla / Cover: Josemaria Casanovas

Really interesting take on the Surfer. His battle with the Revengers was short, but intense. The talky bits stayed compelling and the story flowed beautifully through to a surprising conclusion. Great stuff.

8. Undiscovered Country #2 (Image) ★★★★

Writer: Scott Snyder & Charles Soule / Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli & Daniele Orlandini / Colors: Matt Wilson / Cover (B): Crank!

Nice intro flashback provides some more insight into our cast. Tension abounds as the crew decide on their course of action. Additional mysteries and secrets make for a compelling read. Solid stuff.

9.  Amazing Mary Jane #3 (Marvel) ★★★★

Writer: Leah Williams / Art: Carlos Gomez & Lucas Werneck / Colors: Carlos Lopez / Cover: Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado

Nice rebound. The story is moving again, the laughs hit the right note and the pacing is brisk and highly entertaining. All this and Sonny Diperna too! Cool.

10.  Seven Days #3 (Lion Forge: Catalyst Prime)  ★★★

Writer: Gail Simone / Art: Jose Luis & Jonas Trinidade / Colors: Michelle Madsen / Cover: Saida Temofonte

We get the invaders’ backstory in this issue, and a glimmer of a battle scene, but mainly this book was about talking… lots… of… talking. Too much talking frankly. Oddly, the talking doesn’t explain some key things, like why would a reptilian race create sentries in humanoid form? Also: Exactly how did the sentries destroy the Earth’s armed forces if they can only protect themselves from one direction at a time? It’s still a solid concept, but I’m worried this book may be heading off the rails.

Books of the Week: 12/11/19